Wednesday, December 12, 2012


While I am not ready for many things yet, I
am ALWAYS up for sewing.  Lots of scraps
means a pretty darn productive day at the
sewing machine!!  I put the finishing touches
on my last CHRISTmas project.  Someone
is going to be warm on cozy on December 24.

As I get ready to hit the sheets, I am 
remembering all of our many, many
blessings.  While we have a huge hole
and a wound that feels like the size of
Texas . . . actually bigger . . . we know
how blessed we truly are.  Tomorrow is
another day . . . 


1 comment:

  1. I check your blog daily...If I lived near I would be at your house daily... : )
    I am really mad at the time that has passed and we have not connected. I am so sorry that it had to be this to bring us back together.
