Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Pic.

. . . jumped up from quilting long enough
to run over to the new homestead. We
are truly so very excited about our new
gorgeous home. We love every single
inch of it and are count, count,
counting the days until we can move
in . . . lock, stock, and barrel. It will be
awesome to get all of our "stuff" that we
just couldn't live without for a YEAR, out
of storage and everything out of the
many, many boxes that we trample over
every single day. We are getting so
excited. Moving . . .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings.

In preparation for my very favorite
soon-to-be-twelve-year-old's birthday
extravaganza, I whipped up these
brown paper packages that will
conceal my firecracker's birthday
gifts. My sewing machine has been
a whirling and, as usual, I am
wishing that there were more hours
in the day . . .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hours, hours, hours, and hours.

Holy smoke!! I spent 11 hours quilting
this puppy today!! This Dr. Seuss quilt
is going to be the cuuuuuutest ever. Wow!
It took every bone in my body to stand
up from quilting. I had popcorn and
red vines for dinner. Now it is time
for fluids and a little snuggle time
with my most favorite peeps!!

Quilting . . .

Monday, June 27, 2011

Last Semester.

Holy smoke! My advanced statistics
book arrived today. I tried to tell
the UPS man that I was on vacation
until July 8 and he could take this little
treasure back until then, but he just
insisted on leaving it. Well, this is a
gentle reminder that all good things
must come to an end and to enjoy
every spare moment this week and
this weekend. I am, however, excited
to put my last two courses behind me
and get on with the rest of my
PhD journey.'em.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Sunday.

Busy, busy, busy day gathering fabric,
quilting, watching an I Love Lucy
marathon, and eating some of my
very favorite snacks!! I am getting
excited to be adding new quilts to our
new home and whipping up some
exciting CHRISTmas gifts also!
Windy Moon quilts is one of my
new very favorite finds in Reno!!
A day of quilting just wouldn't be complete
without a little stop at JoAnn's fabrics to
pick up essentials and tools of the trade.
I had to purchase these quilting gloves
for a quilting class that I took. Let me
tell you, these are worth there weight
in gold and make machine quilting
a breeze . . . Gotta get back to the machine!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

182 Days.

I'm a CHRISTmas in June kinda
gal and have been one busy little
bee all day working on some
exciting CHRISTmas gifts.
There are only 182 days until CHRISTmas!
I must get crackin'! I have tons of ideas
brewing and cannot wait to get these
projects rolling.
Now that I have three weeks off
from school, I am one busy elf!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sharing the Road.

Another one of my very favorite things
about our new home is the winding
road that we take to get up to it.
We love going up and down the
twisty road to get to our house . . .
and I guess that all of God's creatures
must love it up there, although I
did not know we would be seeing
slithery snakes . . .

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Where, oh where is my Luke?
This is the cute group of golfers ages
6-16 that play in the Somersett
Junior Golf Program.
(Oh, I know where he is . . . they ALWAYS
put that tall "kid" in the back!!)
What a be-a-uuuuu-tiful swing.
It was a gorgeous day out on the links
and the kids had a total blast playing
a scramble . . . One of the cutest kids,
Luke, drove the ball the furthest. They
used his ball every.single.time.
This is one of my favorite holes on
the back nine, there is a bridge, a
windy road, and a stream.
. . . gettin' ready to tee off.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Internship = Check.

After ALL of the grumbling and carrying on,
my administrative internship was completed
as of 12:15 today!! I love every aspect of
learning and teaching, but being away
from the nest is hard on me and my family!
Here is my little internship desk.
Here is the door to Mr. Chronister's office.
The evaluation from Mr. Chronister was
so amazing and it made me cry to read it.
I really did have a wonderful experience
and am so thankful that I was able to
intern at Westergard Elementary School.
Here is the corner of my little internship
desk that I kept hitting my leg on
repeatedly which left a huge honkin'
purple bruise.

I am so excited about the next stage
of my PhD program and so thankful
that my little family stuck by me during
my internship experience.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All in a Row.

When Luke and I were driving down
the road today we saw this mama
duck and her little ducklings!
They even used the crosswalk . . .
I just couldn't jump out of the car
fast enough to catch them.
I am reminded of what an awesome
calling being a mom is. It is such
a great blessing to have my boys and
I love "keeping them all in a row".
These little ducklings were especially
cute when they had to hop to get
up the curb.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Goings On.

It's all hands on deck working
on our new home!
We rented this machine to help
the guys put the facia on the front
of the house and to lift the
heavy plywood on top of the roof.
Guns were ablazin' as the guys
work to get the plywood on top
of the roof.
Sam and Luke were excited to help
Mike work on the electrical . . . Luke is
working on his Electrical Merit Badge.
. . . not for me . . .

Luke has already found a bazillion
spots to hide in all of the nooks
and crannies of the new house.
This IS for me and I cannot wait!
. . . quilts, comprehensive exams,
and dissertation . . .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy, Happy Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day to our very favorite
dads! We are so blessed to have such
wonderful role models and great,
great dads!! Needless to say, we had
a great day with our fun family.
The guys could not wait to dive into
these 75 chicken wings with all the
Millions and bazillions of blessings
in our family.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Red Cap.

Congrats to our Luke! He mastered all
of the skills necessary to move up
from yellow cap to red cap in the
junior golf program.
As his golf instructor said, "Luke, you
didn't even have time to get the
yellow cap dirty" . . .
Yep! We are on to studying the new
red book in our quest for the
coveted gold cap.
Congrats, Luke!