Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Words of Encouragement.

Encouragement has taken on a WHOLE new
meaning for me over the past year.  I cannot
tell you how much it lift my spirits to 
receive a simple text or phone call during
the day.  It is AMAZING to realize all of
the people who are interceding on behalf 
of our family.

Today was no exception.  I received texts
an emails with the exciting news that
friends and family members were praying
for our Dad during this trial.  A sentence 
from a friend goes a LOOOOOONG way.
It is so incredibly wonderful to know that
we are not in this storm alone.
As if a text is not enough . . . it is incredible
to scamper out to the mailbox and have an
uplifting card in the mail from a besty.  We
are incredibly blessed to have such wonderful
people in our corner.  We know that each
of them has been chosen by God to be
with us as prayer warriors and supporters
during our trial.

The BIG day is August 31.  Mike has
a PET/CT scan on that day.  We will
receive the results after Labor Day weekend.
The results will determine whether or
not we will be eligible to continue with
the clinical trial.


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