Thursday, November 8, 2012

Time in the Word . . . All the Difference in the World.

Hands down, I must say, that our most 
favorite part of the day in our homeschooling
routine is our time spent in the Word.  I
can attest to the fact that EVERYTHING is
different about our day if we do not devote
time to this each and every schoolday.
Luke and I are diligent and it is rare that 
we skip or miss a day.  We have learned,
through many hard knocks, that it is 
better to push something else rather than
miss our time together in the word.  It is
so exciting to nudge each other in church
when our pastor is recanting a Bible
fact or story . . . each remembering the
time that we discovered this together.

Currently, we are studying the book of
Samuel.  I do so love this book as it
describes how out of obedience Hannah
receives her precious gift Samuel and as
Samuel becomes judge and appoints
Saul and David as kings of Israel.

Yep, homeschooling is has been such
a blessing to our family in so many,
many ways, but growing in the Lord
together is one of my favoritist memories
of our journey together.  I thank our
Lord each and every day that I have
had the opportunity to spend this precious
commodity of time with our four 
wonderful boys.

1 Samuel 16:7 . . .The Lord does not look
at the things human beings look at.  People
look at the outward appearance, but the
Lord looks at the heart.

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