Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Fun.

Sam, Luke, Grandy, and I made a run for
Black Friday!  We had so much fun tramping
through the crowds.  I was excited to 
be out and about after feasting yesterday.
The kids, on the other hand, managed to
munch down after having Thanksgiving
leftovers for breakfast, chocolate pie and
whipped cream for a snack, and a few
pieces of turkey on their way out the door!!

*I am thankful for my people who stick
with me, it is not easy!
*I am grateful that, even though we
are in difficult circumstances, we
still have a spirit of levity in the air!
*I am thankful for those who are
praying without ceasing.
*I am thankful that their are 
advanced medications . . . although
the side effects are tremendous!
*I am thankful that, even though
our life changes each and everyday,
we are able to work through 
anything TOGETHER!
*I am thankful for memories.

While it is difficult to remember my
old life, maybe that is the way that
God wants it.  I try really hard to 
remember when we all jumped in
the car on a whim.  Went on long
trips together and made decisions 
off the cuff.  It is difficult to remember
some of them thinking that they may
never happen ever ever again.

One thing I know for sure, "If He
brings you to it, He will bring you
through it".  I am counting on that!

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