Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We are baaaaaack!!! Hip hip hoooray!!! I jumped out
of bed this morning . . . actually I woke up in the middle
of the night soooo excited that I was better!!!!

I gave my morning "blue bird" call to the boys and we
were back at it!!!!
We were really excited to wake up to a Winter Wonderland!!!!
The snow r.e.a.l.l.y pounded for about three hours!!!
Today is soooo much better than yesterday, when we had
this too look at all day!!!
Sam would not even touch our remote control and had
to wrap it in plastic wrap . . . germs!!!
Luke and I laid side by side for ten hours and did not even
speak to each other . . . truly pathetic!!!
Boy, I hope it is a looooooooong time before I have a day
like THAT again!!!!


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