Saturday, November 7, 2009

Super Saturday.

Whew!! Picture, this . . . I woke to to feathers ALL OVER my
bedroom this morning!! I mean EvErYwHeRe!
They were stuck to my face, the ceiling fan, the television . . .
They were under the bed and on the ceiling.
My down comforter must have gotten a hole
in it in the middle of the night. I must have
tossed and turned about six hundred bazillion times!!
Thanks to the troops, we were able to get most of
them up!! Feathers are still lurking in the corners!!

Then, it was of to the TURKEY SHOOT golf tournament
with Sam and Luke. This is a fun team tournament that
the boys play in each year!!!! They did great!!!

Craft shows are one of my very favorite holiday happenings,
especially with great friends!!!
Drove like a maniac to Las Vegas to Cashman Field
for the huge craft fair that happens each
holiday season!!!

Rushed home. Baked yummy peanut butter brownies.
Took Sam and his friends bowling at the bowling alley.


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