Saturday, March 30, 2013

Resurrection Sunday.

The boys and I went to church tonight in 
order that I might have the entire day to
prepare our Easter feast!!  I must say that
this, like all other firsts, is difficult.
Easter is our favorite holiday. We sure
do miss our Dad and think about how
he must be celebrating in Heaven.  We
think about him constantly and he is
never far from our minds or lips.  
While we are beginning to accept the
crazy fact that he is truly not going
to come bounding through the front
door, that is a pretty difficult dose of
reality to face.  We are each handling
grief in our own way, but together we
know that by the grace of our Heavenly
Father, we are going to make it.

We are excited about tomorrow.  We
are excited that we have a wonderful
family and many friends who will
celebrate Resurrection Sunday with 
our family.  We realize that while there
is much that is difficult, we are an
incredibly blessed bunch.

Happy Easter!!  Jesus is RISEN!!!! 

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