Monday, January 14, 2013

Today's Numbers.

 10 new pair of sox!!
1 new pair of pjs.
21 new blue cards filled out for merit badges.
7 hours in school with our Luke.
9 squares I am short on my new quilt.
8 hours and 29 minutes since our Tim's ship has been at sea.
4 people left in our crew of 7.
1 27-pound turkey . . . cooked and eaten by 3 boys.
1 boy scout meeting.
3 BIG donuts, eaten after scout meeting, per Dad's tradition.
About 107 . . . the number of times that I made that
crazy blow in and blow out sound when you really,
really, really cannot believe something.
1 keyboard moved into Tim's room.
7 loads of laundry done.
3 chapters in the Bible read by Luke and I.
17 times that I stopped and really stared at our
family picture as I went up and down the staircase.
About a 1,000,000,000 times that I counted our
many, many blessings.

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