Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day!

Last night we enjoyed our Easter service
so much!! The music was wonderful
and the message was inspiring!! We had
so much as a family going to church
together . . . I love it that we take up
almost an ENTIRE row. I love it that
everyone loves our boys and thinks
that they are soooo cute!!! Tim was in
a video that he made with some others
in our church. It was great to see him
in it!!!
I am so excited that the boys STILL love
their Easter baskets. I was excited as I
filled each of them last night . . .
A little dough . . .
It is funny how holidays bring back so
many memories. I cannot believe that our
boys are getting so big . . . How can Tim
be almost 26 years old . . . Really?!?
I love sneaking into their rooms with
their Easter treasurers . . . Believe me,
although they fight me, they would
miss, miss, miss it if I didn't wake them
up with an Easter surprise.
Sam likes to eat his Easter bunnies
ears first!!
He pretended to love the bunny, but
was going straight for the cash.
I love those hollow bunnies!!!
My boys help me so, so, so much!! They
are my best supporters, helpers, and
partners in all that I do. I could not make
it without them. I appreciate them so much!
Any little thing that I can do to even so
my gratitude, I am only to excited to do.
A little surprise cash is always so
much fun!!!
Tim headed to San Francisco with a couple
of his buddies today.

Happy Resurrection Day!! We are so
blessed in so very many ways and know
that the good Lord is in charge of all
of our steps. We know that His plan is
best and we are excited to see what He
does in our lives. God is good. All.

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