Thursday, September 1, 2011

The "C" Word.

We engraved this in our new garage in
our brand new home the day the garages
were poured. Above everything else,
we know that "ALL things work
together for good to them that
love God, to them who are called
according to his purpose". -KJV

As weeks go, this probably has
been one.of.THE.longest.weeks
EVER in many respects. It seems
like a bazillion years ago that
Mike had his biopsy surgery and
yet it was only 48 hours ago.

Today we received more news
that we were perhaps unprepared
to hear: Mike has adrenal gland
cancer, which is a very rare type
of cancer. We have wonderful
docs here in Reno, but they do
know their limitations and are
unprepared to treat Mike's
condition for a plethora of reasons.

Our docs made arrangements for
Mike be under the care of
physicians at the Mayo Clinic in
Phoenix, Arizona. We are so
thankful that they were able to
make these contacts.

Another amazing blessing is that
many of Bobby's family members
live in Phoenix. He did not
hesitate to contact them and they
are welcoming us with open

Mike's condition is very serious,
but we are relying on God for
a full recovery and quick healing.

We can't wait to give Him all of
the glory for what He does in
this difficult situation.

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