Saturday, January 29, 2011

Test Holes.

Definitely a looooooong story, but
yes, we did purchase a new lot in
Somersett. A big, beautiful, FLAT lot!!
We are ready to get building that house!
When we started to begin our project on
the other lot, there was clay soil and
a big basement, decks, etc. that were
very difficult for the soil to support.
It required lots of other soil to be brought
in and was very expensive.
However, God is good and we found
a really pretty new lot with beautiful
views of mountains all around. Before
we got to excited about the lot, we
had test holes dug as well as geo-techs
on site to see just how the soil looked.
Yep, yep, yep, the soil is
native soil . . . awesome soil.
I have heard much more about
soil the last week than I EVER
wanted to hear. However, this
lot is a "cut lot" . . . one that was
cut from a large hill or mountain
replete with native soil . . . Soil great
for building a home on.
Hence, we are headed back to the
architect on Monday and revising
our old plans that were approved and
ready to roll. This is a just a little
setback that will really work out
much better for the future.

Test holes, gotta love 'em.


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