Friday, February 1, 2013


Man, oh, man . . . I sure do miss these hands.
More than anything, I miss the hand holding
and hugs!!!  Those were some pretty big paws
for such a gentle man.  I spend many minutes
and hours each day missing them.  I am now
so very grateful for all of the hard work and
dedication to our family that these hands
provided.  More than anything, I am thankful
for the bazillion hours of prayer that these
hands were engaged in . . . Miss, miss, missing
every.single.inch.  Still knowing, our God
is in control.  Still missing . . . 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jill! So missing him for you too! You guys were amazing together! God knew what He was doing when He put you two together!
    Love to you my friend!
