Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tietjen Boy Fun.

What do these and Tietjen boys have in
common . . . a TON of fun!!!  My guys
all love to go out shooting their pistols,
rifles, and guns.  They love the outdoors,
being together, and shooting "stuff".
The guys reported that people brought 
washing machines, cars, and millions
of things to use as targets for shooting.
With the lovely fall weather, my guys
have loaded up a bazillion times and
headed for the hills and had a TON of
fun!!!  This is a tradition that all of them
have had for many, many years beginning
with Grampa.  He would take all of
the guys out shooting!  They have been
doing this since an early age . . . 
For me, a mani and a pedi would be
equally as rewarding!!

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