Friday, May 11, 2012

Here to Stay in the 702.

 Holy Cow!!!  All SEVEN of us are here at our
brand new digs.  Sneak peaks . . . 
 Awesome quilt hanging on banister!!!
 Boys do not travel without their Legos.
 Prize golf trophy in position.
 Awesome workspaces for my boys.
 Luke's cute feet were so tired, he could not
stand on them one more second . . . I was not
too far behind him.
Pretty new windows and casings . . .

We are so praising the Lord that we are here as
a FAMILY!!!  As many of us are anal overachievers,
it is going to take a wee bit of convincing that we 
do not have to have everything in place this very
moment.  We are so excited to be here!!  There is 
so much do to . . . overwhelming for certain, but
we are glad that it is summertime and we have all
of the time in the world to be cozy and get all settled in.

We had a few adventures over the past few days
including skyrocketing blood pressure, a small tumor
removed on Mike's arm, a car battery that was dead
when we came out of Subway in Tonopah . . 
But thanks to the good Lord, we are here in our
new home!!!

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