Saturday, July 31, 2010


It has definitely been quite THE day in
study hall . . .
papers, statistics, discussions, reading,
statistical spreadsheets, educational
policy . . .
No joke . . . the fur was flying today!
Doctoral candidates seriously do not have
time to blow their nose . . . I am seeing
that now . . .
Everyone knows I detest dull
pencils . . . I have not even had
time to sharpen my Ticonderoga #2s.

13 hours and counting . . .

Pain only lasts a moment,
quitting lasts a lifetime!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Flashback Friday!

We sure do miss our Tim around
here!! In this flashback pic, Tim
was getting ready for a gig in the
Capital High School Jazz Band.

He sure does play a mean guitar.
We cannot wait until he gets home
from his latest gig on Liberty of the
Seas with Royal Caribbean.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Guess where Sam and Luke spent
5 hours of their day today . . .

At Mountain Falls . . . golfing!!!
They have so much fun on
the golf course. After 9 holes
they stop and eat and then hit
the course again!!!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Celebrating the Golf Victories!!!

We had soooo much fun celebrating
the golf victories!!!!
BJ's is the p.e.r.f.e.c.t. place for any
Deep dish pizza . . . delicious!!!
Pizzoli . . . primo!!!
Fun finale . . . SALT . . .

We are a wee bit weary from
golf, sun, and heat . . .

We had so much fun celebrating!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Goins Memorial Golf Tournament Day #2

Well, today was Day#2 of the annual
Gene Goins Memorial PVJGA Tournament.
This two day tournament is t.h.e.
tournament for PVJGA golfers and
the trophies are sought after by
junior golfers of all ages.
Sam, playing up for his age
group came in SECOND PLACE
by ONE, one, o.n.e., 1 stroke!!
He was 4 strokes down yesterday
and was tied on the 18th hole and
his ball actually came out of the cup.
(His high school golf coach was
watching the finish and ran to tell
me all about it.)
Luke's age group boasts THE most
golfers, 9-11 boys.
Luke triumphed by 9 strokes to

Luke is pictured above with
Larry Goins, president of PVJGA.
Elaine Goins and the first place winner!
Sam and PVHS Golf Coach Bob Hopkins.
Luke and his golf buddies.
Luke taking congratulatory calls at
the course.
Luke walking to the
score table.

Congratulations ALL THE WAY

Monday, July 26, 2010

Goins Memorial Golf Tournament Day #1

Today was DAY #1 of the two day
annual Gene Goins Memorial Junior
Golf Tournament.

Luke is in FIRST PLACE by 2 strokes!!!!
Sam is in SECOND PLACE by 4 strokes!!!!
(Sam is playing up an age group, so he
played awesome!!!)
I just couldn't resist posting these adorable
pictures of when the boys were first
learning to golf . . . Wow! We really
had so many fun times out on the golf course!!!
I am so grateful to Mike for all
of the time and devotion that he
has shown in supporting the boys
in their interest in golf!!!
I am so proud of their scores today . . .
. . . and thankful for all of the fun times
that these guys have shared on the course!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tietjen Boys Win Round 2 of Farmer's Cup.

It's official: Farmer's Cup #2 of 3
Sam and Luke Tietjen
The Farmer's Cup is an adult/junior
tournament that uses different game
strategies each tournament to
determine the winner. Today's
strategy was alternate shot, meaning
the adult had to hit a shot, then the junior
had to sit the next shot . . .

In 110* weather and high humidity . . .
the boys triumphed!!!
Luke had an amazing partner, Jeff Koenig.
Golf buddies!

Sam and his partner Will Burtz came in
FIRST PLACE in their division as well,
but pictures are sans Sam. (You know
how it is when you are a teenager and
Mom has the camera!)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Weekend Fun and Not So Fun!

I had a humdinger of a paper to write
this weekend. There were moments
when I was at the end of my rope . . .
but my sweet husband made a loooong
trip to pick up the Research Design book
that pulled me through!!!! What a guy!!
Like always, Luke was busy!
He played golf twice, designed a shirt,
and made a bazillion things from Legos!!
By the way, these little Legos really hurt
when you step on them in the middle
of the night!!!!

Here's to weekends . . . the good,
the bad, and the ugly!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Old Time Favorite.

. . . the prize!
I always open my Cracker Jack box and
look for the prize first! Who doesn't!?!
Next, I go through the box and
eat all of the peanuts, then I sit
back and enjoy all of the yummy
caramel popcorn!!!'em.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Heart My Kitchen.

Even though most of my kitchen items
are long packed away ready for our
move . . . there are a few random
items that I just love and cannot
live without.
I love my bullet trashcan.
I could not make it one day
without all of these utensils.
Even though our plates are packed
away, I love my plate rack.
You gotta love a red Kitchenaid.
My kitchen faucet . . . a