Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Snow Day.

Today just happened to be one of the
unexpectedly happiest days!! It snowed,
snowed, snowed all night. As a result,
life took place at a snail's pace today here
in Reno. Schools were on a delay and stores
closed for a bit until the roads begin to
clear. I took full advantage of the situation
and stayed in my favorite comfy robe accompanied by my
cozy Ugg slippers. However, I did move
mountains as I worked through much
paperwork and other tedious "stuff" that
had been waiting for my attention. I
made a vow that tomorrow at 5:45 a.m.
I will promptly head into the shower,
brush my teeth, get dressed, and get
back to life as usual. But, I must admit,
today was a w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l change
of pace for this busy, busy girl.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My friend Cathy says that when she
finds a penny, she says a prayer for
someone. I love that and have prayed
for others when I have found a penny.
We are in the penny-gathering frame of
mind. We went to Mike's oncologist
to receive our monthly blood results,
status report, and lab orders. Mike's
blood pressure, cortisol, and liver levels
were elevated similar to when he had
his tumor. His PET scan has been
moved up and we shall find out the
results early next week.

We are fully relying on God for
positive results and cannot wait to
see how He works through this

God is good. All.the.time.

Monday, February 27, 2012


This is what we drove up to when we
arrived back in Reno late tonight . . .
Say what?!? Having just been in
Las Vegas, we were unprepared to
be greeted by five plus inches of snow!!!
We quickly jumped out of the car and
into hot showers, bubble baths, our
pjs, and ready to hit the sack. We
so loved our time with everyone in
Las Vegas and totally excited to see
what our amazing God does next?!?
Fasten your seat belt.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

One More Day . . .

So two of my guys and I stayed in the 702
one extra day!! We have had a whirlwind
trip since we arrived here!!! As a bonus, we
visited this bea-u-tiful golf course:
Silverstone. The guys fell in love and felt
that they could play here until the
day that they die. We had a ton of fun
hoking around the course. We then
headed over to Grandy and Bobby's where
we were introduced to SMASH BURGERS.
Holy Cow!! I don't think that you have
lived until you have eaten there. The
guys thought that the burgers were to
die for and the salads, topped with an
overeasy fried egg, are amazing. We
had treats, giggles, and yummy food
and watched the 84th Academy Awards.
As lovers of the movies, we were excited
to see who would win. We guessed
right bunches of times and had a totally
fun family Sunday . . . just the way that
I like it. What a great way to spend
our last full day in Las Vegas.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

LV . . . Baby!

A couple of my very favorite peeps and
I spent several days in Las Vegas . . .
Pretty exciting details and decisions
coming down the pike!!

I truly do not know what I would do
without my amazing crew of family
and friends. The love and support that
we have been shown has been truly
remarkable. We are blessed beyond

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy, Happy 94th Grampa!

Happy, happy birthday to one of
our very, very favorite people!
Grampa is an amazing man!! We
are so grateful that he is ours!!

In 1918:
*The U.S. population was 103,500,000
*Sale of alcohol was prohibited
*Airmail between Washington D.C. and
New York City established
*New York Times began home delivery
*Daylight savings time and time
zones were introduced

Happy, happy, happy birthday
Grampa!! We love you so much!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Headin' for the 702.

Road trip with two of my very favorite
peeps . . . headed to Las Vegas, Nevada!!!
We headed out as soon as Sam got
out of class at noon. We laughed,
joked, and fought over the radio station
all the way to LV. We are really excited
to see what God does . . .
Big, big decisions ahead for the Tietjen crew!!
Yep, we have a road ahead of us. We are
so thankful for our great family and friends!!
We know that everyone is praying for us and
the choices that we make in the near future.
Exciting weekend ahead for sure!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Happy, happy Hump Day!
This was Reno just about one year ago!!
However, today it was a bright and shiny

Things that I am happy about on
Hump Day include:
*obtaining our C of O
*happy family
*weekend plans
*working on the doc
*sewing binding on a new quilt
(hand sewing . . . )
*fun flicks on the couch with
my very favorite peeps
*salad with cranraisins and
balsamic vinegar dressing
*green salsa and chips

Happy middle of the week!! It sure
seems like a fast one to me!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Outfit.

I know that it sounds like a farmer
from the old country in the 1940s,
but I seriously wore this outfit for almost two
months except for Sundays. I even
wore it a couple of Sundays, but not to
church. Early on, it was evident that I
would need one pair of clothing to wear
up to the house to work, work, work and
could get dusty, painted, and dirty. So
I chose a pair of Old Navy sweatpants that
were Luke's when he was eight, a special
sweatshirt, long underwear, and a VERY
special green coat that got plastered
with stain and paint. At this point, I am
not certain just what to do with
"the outfit" . . . should I have a special
frame built like people put expensive
baseball jerseys in?!? Today was the second
day in a row that I actually got dressed
in "regular" clothes. Having this project
done marks a huge accomplishment. I will
need to be acclimated ever so slowly
back into society with real people doing
real everyday things . . .

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day is Now Known as Family Day.

Today represented my first real day
off from the house project in about six
straight months, although we did run
by to check on things. It felt really strange
to get up, take a hot shower, put on "real"
clothes, Ugg boots that I haven't gotten
to wear all winter, make-up, and run
errands just like in my old life.
It was a really fun family day as each
of us had the day off for President's Day.
*went to the orthodontist
*tried to get Mike's blood work done,
but the lab was closed
*went to the grocery store
*went to the pharmacy
*ran to the mall to check out
bargains . . . scored!!
*got tires that had literally been
worn and no longer had tread
*got haircuts
*went to the bank
*went to a movie
*came home and snuggled

We did not:
*go to Home Depot
*work at the house

It was a great fun day! The first
of many now that the house is
nearly complete. We have some
touch up, bells and whistles to add,
and a punch list that will need to be
completed over the next couple of
weeks. I am glad that we had the
opportunity to spend some great
family time together today . . . That
IS my most favorite thing of all!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

90 percent.

Here she is in all her glory . . .
The house is 90 percent done.
The next couple of weeks will be spent
putting on all of the bells, whistles, and
final touches.
Ya just gotta love that 12x6 maple
butcher block!!
The cabinet doors, drawers, and
pulls need to be added . . .
I so love, love, love the results and am
so grateful for that we are nearing
the end . . . One of the most exciting
things that happened, was that the
window guys cleaned the windows
inside and out on Friday. It took them
a BAZILLION hours, but they look

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Looking back at pics of when we first
started "The Project" is pretty.darn.scary!
I cannot believe that the house is truly
almost done. Building this house involved
14 months of our lives. We all worked so
hard! I am thankful for our boys who
really did give up so much of their time
and energy to help, help, help . . . anyway
that we needed!!! Stay tuned for final
pics . . . It really did turn out absolutely
be-a-uuuuutiful. I have worked myself out
of a job!! In the next couple of weeks, it
will be all done! Our family is excited about
the decisions and road ahead. God certainly
has thrown us many curveballs over the
past year . . . It is going to be exciting to
see just what He does next!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The C of O.

Holy smokes!! I can seriously say
that I have NEVER worked so hard
as I have the past several months!!
"The project" has been a pretty
challenging task, but low and behold,
today we obtained our Certificate of
Occupancy!!! We are totally excited!
The house is complete enough to
occupy!! The finishing touches are
being applied as we are now finishing
the pantry, installing cabinet doors
and drawers, touching up,
completing the corbels for the mantel . . .
and similar odds and ends. Today
marks the last of the city of Reno
inspections!!! We were so excited
that we decided to celebrate with
our ever-popular favorite: In and Out!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


We our dogs! I love how
our dogs love us unconditionally and are
always waiting at the door wagging their
tails when we get home!! Reggie and Tucker
are perfect dogs and we are so lucky to
have them.
Reggie is so calm and fearful. He is
not as much of a people person as Tucker,
although he is trying to be lately.
Tucker is super high spirited!! He likes
his own way and if he doesn't get it . . .

I just had to give a little shout out to
our two dogs. I am grateful for their
companionship and thankful that they
are so much fun for our boys.

Thanks again for the terrific pictures,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I looked out the window . . .

Oh yeah!! Reno certainly was dumped on
last night . . . I so love to get cozy when it
is snowing at night. We are busily rushing
around as we are going to personally
deliver boys to the university, head to
the project, and drive our errands.
The boys can HARDLY wait to dig into
the freshly fallen snow!! They cannot
wait to make footprints, snowmen, and
slither and slide in it. Luke is convinced
that we should have a "Homeschool
Snow Day"!!! There is no rest for the weary
in my book!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Lover's Day!

Happy, happy Valentine's Day . . .
Valentine's Day just has to be one of my
very favorite holidays!!!
It is important to start V-Day with a
huge SUGAR rush, beginning with
homemade whipped cream . . .
. . . to be immediately placed on red
heart-shaped pancakes topped with
strawberry syrup!!
I love, love, love my Valentine, bedhead
and all!!!
Cozy, cozy, cozy Valentine quilt!!
My bucket head!!! Why do boys like
to put EVERYTHING on their heads??
Everyone was straight out of the
rack, except for Sam. He had an early
Valentine's Day class. We had a blast
at our EARLY morning V-Day breakfast.
Everyone woke up in a cheerful mood,
even though it was only 6:27 and
pitch dark outside.
Hugs!! My favoritist part of this
Yep!! V-Day is just another great
reason to celebrate ALL of our many,
many blessings!!!