Okay, so I know that he is TOTALLY
not smiling, but we are UP, shaved,
washed up, and walking for brief
periods during the day! That's
my man . . . a great attitude raring
to go.
The biggest praise story of my entire
life goes something like this:
*As a doctoral student, I must attend
three residencies. I attended my first
residency in Jacksonville, Florida
at the beginning of my doctoral journey.
Mind you that 2,500 people attend
these residencies. The rooms are packed
with a bazillion people crazy enough to be
working on their doctorates.
*We were name tags at our residencies.
A woman that I had never met before
was calling my name across the
CROWDED room. She asked if I was
"The Jill" from the courses that we
had been taking. I quickly became
friends with Kris from MICHIGAN as
she had married her high school
sweetheart, had three children, and
is an amazing CHRISTian. We had tons
in common!
*Fast forward to two years later, I am
in the Mayo Clinic with my husband
who receives a very difficult diagnosis
from the doctors and oncologists at
the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona.
*Being proactive, after a day of trying
to come to grips with the difficult
news, I begin "gently" Googling
adrenal gland cancer treatment options.
(Adrenal gland cancer extremely
rare 1 in 1,000,000.) Therefore the
knowledge is VERY limited regarding
treatment options to effectively
beat adrenal gland cancer.
*As I Googled, God showed me
this information of THE doctor
who specializes in adrenal gland
cancer in the United States. His
name is Dr. Hammer and is located
at the University of MICHIGAN.
*I immediately text my friend Kris
primarily to ask her if she knows
about the University of Michigan.
She responds that not only does
she know about the University
of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but that
they live 25 minutes from it, have a
spare room for our family, and extra
car and would love for us to come
there and live with them in order
that Mike could receive the treatments
that he needs.
*Still uncertain if this was the
right treatment for Mike, I
reserved totally jumping over
the edge with excitement,
which is difficult for me, until
we spoke with our oncologist.
Our oncologist told us that she
would be available all weekend.
I turned around and she was in
Mike's room five minutes after
I arrived this morning. She
jumped on my computer to see
the information regarding Dr. Hammer
and was so excited!! She said that
this was Mike's best hope and we
need to be there!!! He can begin
treatment in FOUR weeks.
*How AMAZING is our God!! How
can we, for one minute, even
fathom that He has not orchestrated
every moment of our lives, that He
is concerned and knows our each
and every thought.
(I bet you already guessed that
Dr. Hammer will be receiving a
call from me at 7:59a.m. tomorrow
morning and that I will be
buying mittens for Michigan!!!)